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A rear insert 70 to cover the heel is located at the back of the upper quarenta, which rear insert 70 can be made of a yielding and/or foldable material and is destined to be folded and deformed for the foot to be inserted in the recomendamos que você leia boot from behind.

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the upper including a rear insert which in use covers the back of the heel, wherein the rear insert is leia a informação completa aqui made of a foldable and/or yielding material for folding and/or deforming to enable insertion of the foot into the boot from a rear part of the boot.

A further object of the present invention is to obtain a football boot (or five- or seven-a-side football boot) which enables excellent control of the boot and a perfect adhesion thereof to the foot in all circumstances.

The insertion of the foot is also facilitated by the dilation of the front insert 60, which under the pushing action of the foot temporarily widens the upper ler mais quarenta at the front; and/or it continuou is facilitated by the stretching of the heel zone, in the embodiment of the present invention in which the rear insert 70 is also made of an elastically-deformable material.

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